Play AS a sentient piece of luggage, rushing from bag drop  through a maze of conveyor belts to make your soon-departing plane and reunite with your owner. As you begin your voyage, you can't afford any delays. Don't get stuck in any scanners, avoid the mess TSA has created, and most importantly, stay on the belt! Paradise awaits. WARNING: Baggage is fragile. Handle with care.

This game was created for the 2024 Unity X-Place Summer Game Jam by team Beginner Squad.

Team Members: Ooha Reddy, Yingjie Wang, Bryan Skedgell, Elizabeth (Liz) Metzger, and Pepi Valkova

Audio assets from LittleRobotSoundCompany.

Additional background assets from Sickhead Games.

A huge thank you to Thomas Winkley (master bug squasher), Unity, the X-Place, and our pets who walked all over our keyboards.


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